Prime Factors Chart

Prime Factors Chart Printable. Prime Factors of numbers from 1 to 5000. Free Prime Factors Table for Composite Numbers. Factor Numbers easily. How do I factor this number, I want to know!

Prime Factors of numbers from 1 to 5000

The prime factors of an integer are the prime numbers that divide that integer exactly.For instance, prime factors of 15 are 5 and 3. Here 5 and 3 are prime numbers.

This chart contains the numbers from 1 to 5000 with their respective prime factor decomposition indicating how many times each factor is repeated (as an exponent of the number) or, if the number cannot be factored, whether it's a prime number. This is shown as numbers in a different typeface to highlight them. Each row of the chart contains 10 numbers to save space. Thus the first row contains the numbers from 0 to 9, the second contains the numbers from 10 to 19, the third one the numbers from 20 to 29, and so on for several pages. Each page contains the factors of some 450 numbers. The information is presented in condensed form so that many numbers fit a sheet that can be taken to class.

The table can very well be used for the tasks of breaking down numbers into their factors, to find the least common multiple or the greatest common factor, with the ultimate goal of carrying out the procedures to add or subtract fractions. It can also be used to verify if a number is prime or not. Or to memorize the prime numbers up to 100. Or to find the numbers two numbers that multiplied produce another, for several cases of factoring of polynomials.

This chart contains all the Prime Factors from 1 to 5000, one by one, in 11 pages and it's in PDF format [PDF Document]. Use the password to open the PDF.