Roman Numerals Table

Roman Numbers from 1 to 5000. Free Roman Numbers Table. How do you write 2020 in Roman Numerals? I want to know!

Roman Numerals from 1 to 5000

The Roman Numbering System uses uppercase letters to which a numerical value has been assigned.

Letters I V X L C D M
Values 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

With the Roman numeral table you can find how each Roman numeral is said. Roman numerals are used mainly:

  • In the count of the centuries.
  • On a date in Roman numerals.
  • In watches.
  • In the numbers of chapters and volumes of a work.
  • In titles of nobility.
  • In the names of Popes, kings and emperors.
  • In the acts and scenes of a play.
  • In the designation of congresses, olympics, assemblies, contests.
  • In the designation of second parts of films, or third.
  • In consigning the year of Reserved Rights, for example at the end of television programs or movies

But they are not appropriate to do calculations in a fast and effective way.

This table contains all the Roman numerals from 1 to 5000, one by one, with their Arabic equivalents in decimal, in 23 pages and is in PDF format [PDF Document]. Use the password to open the PDF.